Rajdeep is an Economics (Hons) bachelor from St. Xavier's College, Mumbai. Also a MA LLB from Oxford University. He had worked for "The Times of India", Mumbai, between 1988 & 1994 as City Editor & Head, News Service. Then he was with NDTV 24x7 for the next 11 years. He was the host of the award-winning talk show "The Big Fight" on NDTV. As a Managing Editor of NDTV, Rajdeep put his papers to start his own company, Global Broadcast Network (GBN).
GBN had stitched a licencing deal with CNN, took over six months to cobble together a team comprising industry veterans, poaching heavily from NDTV. Some of the producers who worked with Rajdeep on "The Big Fight" also joined hands with him at hefty salaries. (Don't talk about attrition & referrals only in IT)
CNN, TV18 & GBN collaborated to start CNN-IBN. His colleague from NDTV, Sameer Manchanda was also in the team, CNN-IBN. Rajdeep's annual salary at NDTV was 3.6 million INR. He received about five times this, as the signing amount from TV 18, along with a brand new Toyota Corolla. Certainly, that wasn't his motivation.
He iterates,
"I had a dream of doing something on my own. I have got an opportunity and hence I am utilising it." "We will be launching a new channel that will be driven by the journalists. The emphasis will be on good journalism and journalistic stories."Rajdeep, turned 40 last December shares how CNN-IBN is different from NDTV (or any other news channel).
We decided to break away from the pack. From Rohini Mohan eating sugarcane in Madurai during Pongal with children in the village to Himmika Chaudhari taking a dip in Gangasagar to Bikramjit preparing tilgul to Naveen Nair taking the climb up to Sabarimalai to Priyanjana Dutta covering the aarti in Bangalore to Revathi doing rangoli in Hyderabad to Swati in Jaipur flying kites with the Thakurs, there were a range of stories that explored the limits of plurality of this amazing country. Not to forget the remarkably effortless Paras Tomar selling kites on the streets of Ahmedabad. I think by showcasing a network of reporters, we were able to reflect the true spirit of 14th January. I have little doubt that other channels also will do similar experiments in the future, and that each channel has innate strengths, all benefitting the viewer who will now enjoy the buffet of news being laid out before him.Currently, Rajdeep Sardesai is the Editor-in-Chief of the CNN-IBN news service. He writes mostly on Journalism & current affairs.
wow! thats so much confidential info abt rajdeep's exit from ndtv! but i believe more than any money, he wants to live his dream, when he started his TV!
Appreciate it!
Satheesh, Welcome to Start-up Starters!
I hope no one sues me for this. Won't my *Disclaimer* defend me? Lets see.
Man talk about angel/seed funding!
dear rajdeepsardesai:
something important to convey you, pls contact me on this no immediately:09866005802
i think u can help us to resolve it..
or email me at :yelan.gutta@gmail.com
Rajdeep Sardesai, in this modern world, his art of Management has become a part and parcel of everyday life, be it at home, in the office or factory and in Government. In all organizations, where a group of human beings assemble for a common purpose irrespective of caste, creed, and religion, management principles come into play through the management of resources, finance and planning, priorities, policies and practice. Management is a systematic way of carrying out activities in any field of human effort. Management need to focus more on leadership skills, e.g., establishing vision and goals, communicating the vision and goals, and guiding others to accomplish them. It also assert that leadership must be more facilitative, participative and empowering in how visions and goals are established and carried out. Some people assert that this really isn't a change in the management functions, rather it's re-emphasizing certain aspects of management.
Its task is to make people capable of joint performance, to make their weaknesses irrelevant, says the Management Guru Peter Drucker. It creates harmony in working together - equilibrium in thoughts and actions, goals and achievements, plans and performance, products and markets. It resolves situations of scarcity, be they in the physical, technical or human fields, through maximum utilization with the minimum available processes to achieve the goal. Lack of management causes disorder, confusion, wastage, delay, destruction and even depression. Managing men, money and materials in the best possible way, according to circumstances and environment, is the most important and essential factor for a successful management.
I really appreciate Rajdeep's article, goan with the wind, found in goanet forum. I wish I can write to Rajdeep. Can you please give me his email adress or write me at my email address.
Dr Elvino Barreto.
Consultant Plastic Surgeon , Imphal ,
email: plasticos@gawab.com
Dear Rajdeep
I met your father , a thorough gentleman in the summer of 1998 , he was in Reis Magos , Verem .I think ge wanted to build a house or something.The most amazing thing is I found out we are related.If you happen to read this please email me at chikota@hotmail.co.uk
Looking forward to talking to you.
K Sardesai
Dear Rajdeep,
People like you can along with the youths and change the present scenario of India. I personally want to do something for my Country India,need some inputs from you. Request you to please share either your contact number or mail id.
Do any one have Rajdeep's mail id or contact number
Dear Raj,
Days are horrible with terror but try to give message to corporaate people that let them stop paying tax to the government and force them to come to a point of required level or otherwise let corporaates use those fund to strenthan our security. This is only way or let educated people fight creating own team in politics and let us throw preseent dirty people out.
I m frm ASSAM.Presently i m at Bangalore.I had worked at MUMBAI.I had been in MAHARASTRA for around 2yrs.I love MUMBAI very much as we all love INDIA.
I had seen lots of terrorism in ASSAM.Everyday there a person will die due to terrorism.There r lots of ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS frm BANGLADESH but the ASSAM govnt. &
nor those non-political associations has not done something.I applied for PASSPORT last year in around FEB 07 and i received my passport on JAN 08.
SIR my Email-id is narayan_nabin@hotmail.com
Hello Sir!
I am one of your biggest fans and most importantly you have been an iconic personality for all the youths of the country. Sir i work in Nomura (formerly Lehman Bros) and need to prepare a presentation on "Breaking News- Reality or Sensationalism" and i could find nobody other than you to help me on this.
Sir my email id is bhumyinder@yahoo.com
This website must be blocked & legal action must be taken for following,
> It shows wrong INDIAN map [ removes Kashmir from Indian map]
> Insult Mahatma Gandhi by manipulating facts ,,
>Has so many false information which will hurt INDIANS and will degrade INDIA as a whole,,
I want all members to check this website and act on it ,,,
Dear Mr. Sardesai:
Greetings from New Delhi!
I write for your assistance to change India's election process and combat corruption, sycophancy and nepotism to help make India one of the superpowers of the 21st century. I dream of a Country where no one will go to bed without food, where every kid under eighteen will have access to free education, where there will be no child labor, where capabilities and not connections will be the barometer of success, where every citizen will be treated equally and the system will guarantee the right to life, liberty and property to everyone irrespective of caste, creed or color. I dream of many things and I want every child in this country to DREAM.
I left Calcutta as a college student with a scholarship from a Canadian University to pursue M.Sc. in Civil Engineering. After 32 years of living in Canada and the U.S. and eventually changing careers to become a lawyer, I returned to India, hoping to make a difference. I opened my own law firm in Delhi and have been, for the last 12 years, actively involved in pro bono litigation to assist those who cannot advocate for themselves. For example, I negotiated one of the largest settlements (65 lakhs) in the Indian legal history for the families of the victims in the BMW case in New Delhi.
Now, after 12 years, I would like to do more to serve the country and have decided to run as an Independent candidate in the 15th Lok Shabha elections from Kolkata Uttar. You can visit me at www.amitabhasen. com or www.amitabhsen.com
The Indian political system needs a drastic overhaul. The status quo of governments cobbled together through unstable coalition and at the mercy of fickle allies, corruption, horse trading, sycophancy and nepotism must end. The only solution is to reform the current party system and make every politician earn the votes and respect of the people, (s)he represents, regardless of political affiliation.
Elections should be fought by individuals who are judged by the merits of their own actions and not their political affiliations. Once elected, the politicians must work with the Prime Minister to support policies and programs that benefit the nation as a whole. The PM will be chosen by the MPs on the basis of merit and his ability to lead the country, irrespective of his party affiliation.
An India where politicians vote their conscience is a great idea, but it is a difficult road to travel. I believe we should inundate the political system with Independent candidates like me who are honest and willing to embrace change. With your assistance, we can make a difference and make sure that corruption has no place to incubate and sycophancy and nepotism are extinguished.
The task before us may seem insurmountable, but we must start somewhere. I am confident that good honest citizens like you would be more than happy to support aspiring politicians like me who are trying to change India for the better. Of course, we will meet a lot of resistance and even more criticism, but I know any change is better than what we have today.
Together, let's lay the groundwork to propel India into the 21st century and beyond. You can help by getting involved and supporting independent candidates like me who put the nation before themselves.
With my kindest personal regards,
Dr. Amitabha Sen, B.E., M.Sc., MBA, JD
Professional Engineer, Attorney at Law
Dear Mr. Sardesai
I'm Manjari currently pursuing my B.Tech. Apart from being a fan of yours, I'm also a gr8 fan of your channel and the freshness in its journalism. I wish you make some arrangements in your website for common people to post problem which are very important to the Nation. You can pick out some important issues and try to help our Nation through it.
Since I'm not directly involved with journalism, I'm not sure how far this is possible but it would be great if you consider this a suggestion.
My regards
Manjari M.
dear Rajdeep,
you are great In your job, no doubt.BUT PLEASE DO NOT SCREAM WHILE READING THE NEWS. please watch one of your news videos and one of Roy.I think you are smart enough to get me.
I think only then will you be REALLY NO. ONE
Dear Mr.Rajdeep Sardesai,
want to invite you for a panel discussion on media education. pl. give me your email id and mob number. thanks
usha chandar
hello sir,
I am Ritu Dube. Sir,i m my doing PG in journalism. I am very inspired by your work, you are really great in your work. Sir please guide me how should i work so that it will help me in my studies.
my email id- ritu_hd@yahoo.com
The frog eyed Rajdeep jumps from his seat when he thinks he's asked an intellegent question. Notice that next time.
In ancient India most of the raja 0maharajas used to have poets, musicians etc at their darbars. The poets used to write poetry, and the musicians used to sing mainly "maharaj ki shaan mei". Rajdeep reminds me of these people as the chief mediaperson in the Congress darbar.
hai rajdeep sardesi,
this is with reference to telanaga we r fighting for telanaga about 50 years and 350 students were died in the issue
Dear Rajdeep,
This is with telangana issue bcz our minister chidambaram has made statement that the telangana bill in state but here cm has faild to do it.Here telangana pepole waiting for saparate telangana state but lagadapati has done some nonsence and idiotic dramas in the state.Even though highcommand hasnt taken any action on him.Congress always support faction leaders in the state.plz coduct debat on telangana issue bcz its a 53 years battle for statehood.Congress and TDP both have used this sentiment in the menifesto.They have promisd also.plz surpport us
Double standard of secular media (or vested interest) hates speech by BSP(Muslim) leader of bareli roit fame. No action, no debate by self styled secular media lynching of Varun Dandhi even after one Year.
Secularist like abu aazmi(alleged to help terrorist) and CONGRESS Ex MLA Abdus Salam(alleged for helping terrorist) no remose, no action & no debate(by self styled secular media) double standard
Sanjay Datt, Rahul Bhatt, Abu Aazmi, Salman Khan(Chupke Chupke), Azharuddin(Match Fixing aligation)CONGRESS MP, Abdus Salam Ex Ajamgadh CONGRESS MLA, Aftab Ansari, Mukhtaar Ansari, Ateek Ahmed on the wrong side of the law. No debate in self styled secular media double standard.
No Action against Meghalaya CONGRESS Minister calling Women ‘vipers’ double standard, No Action, no debate by self styled secular media(self acclaimed champion of women causes).
Derogatory words use for Indian parliamentary speaker(Dalit) by bihar CONGRESS man no remorse, no expulsion and shamelessly attacking U.P C.M(Dalit) Shows CONGRESS true Color and double standard shame on CONGRESS and on self styled secular media(Self Acclaimed champion of women causes)
Rape by CONGRESS counselor in M.P. Shame on CONGRESS, No Debate self styled media shame on you also(Self acclaimed champion of women causes)
Civil Rights of jammu woman are in Danger because of Congress (Traitors) No Debate less Reporting shame on you Self styled secular media.
Nana ji Deshmukh(Witren RSS Reader & Socail worker) Donate his body to AIIM's. No Reporting in Self Styled Secular Media they only talked about Jyoti Basu. Why So much antypathy towards Hindus by self styled secular media.
Father(late Rajeev Gandhi) & son(Rahul Gandhi) have been trying to Develop Amethi from last 25 years is there an any accountability. Modi ji has developed Surat City from Worst Indian City to 4th most beautiful City(in 8 years) in India. Is there any Comparision. Same on You Secularist and there friends(Self Styled Secularist Media).
P.M talks about inclusive growth. what is inclusive growth. Building, Roads, Hospitals, Public Utilities, Primary Schools, Universities, Or Giving Reservation(Exclusively for Muslims) is their any sane thinking.
Congress has rude this country for most of the time muslims have voted for the congress most of the time. Sachcher Committee and Rang Nath Mishra Committee has concluded muslims are least developed. They have to ask each otheres for the answeres least they should ask for any reservation or special packages. My analysis is congress is a bad influance.
hi sir i want to bring to your attention how the postgarduation progarmme in medicine is mishandled by small small private hospitals which are accredited by ministry family & health wealfare & diplomat of national board delhi to run pg degree programe CALLED DNB in verious speciality..i want to bring to your attention one such a hospital in kerala..if u go in detail u will be surprised there are many more such a hospitals..this is very important to expose after all its question of quality of education.recently medical fraternity are shamed by what exposed in MCI..private hospitals are taking this programme to run there set ups but they are not following guidelines.dnb board has closed there eyes towards such hospitals..u will be surprised to see what all lies they are telling to board just to take accrediation..and once they get accrediation..i feel sorry to say but i was trained in better way while taking my diploma in one of the branch of medicine in army hospital delhi..i wanted to have degrre so i opted for dnb but here i found that they should not conduct this programme without fullfilling the guidelines..all guidelines are on paper and in reality very few hospitals are following those guidelines..my number is 9400333702.please come to rescue to improve quality of medial education..this is aleready very late mediacl education is dying sir..i know the consequences i will have to face to expose this..but i m ready to sacrifice if there is some chance to improve qualty of teaching..ur already doing great job sir..keep it up sir..may god bless u
Mr Rajdeep Sardesai,
I am closing following your news on India at 9 on CNN-IBN.
Of late I have observed that you are fumbling for words as they dont flow out of easily.Can you imagine the greatest newcaster on CBS the late mr Walter Cronkite doing the same on CBS Evening News at 6pm.When Mr Cronkite ended the news he always said that the way it is on this day/date and the whole of America believed it as if it were word from mouth of God.
On your news so much time is wasted on Talking Point wherein two most famous political parties are tearing each other apart on prime news time.Why waste so much on these silly debates if your channel so desired then have a separate slot for the same after news time.For a population of 1.23 Billion I am sure that you have much important news to read instead of holding platform for these political parties to vent their anger/grievances against each other
It is all about when Democracy weakens slang match starts and the rich have a field day
Inspired by the Article
When Democracy weakens NYT Dt.11/02/2011 by Bob Herbert Op-Ed Columnist
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